LG has announced a brand new Android Phone for the Indian Market that will also have a nice touchscreen as well as a full slide out five line QWERTY keypad. The phone is priced at Rs. 18990 in India except Chhattisgarh where the price is set at Rs. 19990. But if you are an experienced customer or have some personal relationship with the seller you can grab one at around Rs. 18,000.
To speak about the specification about the phone I must say that I didn’t find anything missing on this device. Apart from the physical QWERTY keypad, there is a 3 inch capacitive TFT Screen. There is a 5MP camera that can record videos as well with QVGA resolution. The camera also supports some advanced features such as geo-tagging using which the camera can automatically tag photos where they were taken. There are also other features such as face detection and image stabilization that will correct your images if your hand shook a little bit while taking the pictures.
The phone is also a multimedia blockbuster. The video player can play even DivX files apart from other common file formats. Music enthusiasts will love this phone as it comes with a standard 3.5 mm audio jack so that you can connect your favorite headphone with this device. The phone also supports MicroSD Cards upto 32 GB which would be enough to store all your favorite music and videos. Other connectivity options include 3G, GPRS, EDGE, WLAN, Bluetooth and micro USB connectivity with PC.
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